• Thanksgiving

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Thanksgiving

Giving thanks for our many blessings makes for a terrific holiday. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November. The Pilgrims endured much adversity their first year in the new world and wanted to thank God for their harvest and survival. Sadly, many Americans no longer believe in God. They don’t offer up songs

  • Light Of The World

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Light Of The World

If you were to light a match and hold it up against a wall, you’d see a shadow of the matchstick but not the tiny flame. Light has no shadow. God is light and in Him there is no darkness. Light is the character of God. He is not a light; He is light itself.

  • Temptation

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Lead Us Not Into Temptation

The first scripture many children learn to memorize is Matthew 6:9-13. It’s known as the Lord’s Prayer. God placed it in the Bible as a prayer model for all believers. The prayer begins with Jesus acknowledging His (and ours) relationship with God by calling out Our Father. He then declares heaven to be God’s realm

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