Our vision
An Extraordinary Ministry for Extraordinary Times
Jesus Lives is a Bellevue/Issaquah-based nonprofit evangelical ministry grounded in the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Old Testament, and the Holy Spirit. We run our services on Thursday evenings at 7:30PM and we tend to attract new believers as well as established Christians who are looking for a down to earth word that comes directly from the Holy Spirit. Our Pastor and leadership preach without pay and our approach mirrors that of the early church, with one clear mission: to spread God’s word, make disciples, and prepare the way for end-time revival.
At Jesus Lives, we believe we are living in extraordinary times that demand an unwavering commitment to sharing God’s truth. Those called to serve in our grassroots ministry feel a deep sense of urgency and purpose, and with multiple confirmations by the Holy Spirit and several Christian leaders worldwide, Jesus Lives is honored to play a vital role in this divine movement.
In a world where the enemy’s influence seems to dominate social media, government, news, music, and entertainment, we stand as a beacon of hope and truth on the front lines. We believe we are living in the beginning of sorrows and together we know revival is coming to the Northwest, and now more than ever, we invite you to join us in this critical mission. Be part of the revival. Be part of the change. Be part of Jesus Lives.

JOHN 4:23
“But the time is coming — and is here! — when true worshippers will worship in spirit and truth. The Father looks for those who worship him that way.”
Our Pastor is from the wilderness of Alaska and the Arctic Circle. God is using him to preach to the poor and deliver an incredible message for mankind.
Learn more about Phil Fischer and our Pastors, Elders, and Teachers.
Latest Sermons and Live Streams
Get in touch
Please come as you are! Jeans, tee shirts, it does not matter. We’re building a body of Christ, come and be part of God’s plan for Seattle.
- 10328 Issaquah-Hobart Rd SE, Upper Sanctuary, Issaquah, WA 98027