• Anger

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Anger

What causes us to become angry? People or situations are not the cause of our anger. Rather, anger is caused by completely legitimate desires that take over our heartstrings. They are desires that begin to control us. When desires gain this much power over us they are no longer legitimate. These desires become monsters of

  • jellyfish

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Jellyfish Christianity

Jellyfish are invertebrates; they don’t have a backbone. Nor do they have a brain or heart. They are 95% water. Sadly, there are many jellyfish Christians and theologians today. If we are not careful, we can subtly become one too. This happens when we begin to compromise, shift our positions, or hide our biblical beliefs

  • Let your light so shine before men

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Reputation

Does Jesus care if we have a good name (a combination of reputation and character) or honorable reputation? Should Christians be concerned with how others see and judge their character? The answer is, yes! When we live a life according to God’s word, letting His light shine within us, we will not only glorify God in our

  • God's Power

A Phil Fischer Devotional: God’s Power At Work

Genesis 38 tells us how Judah found a wife for his eldest son, Er. Unfortunately, Er was wicked in the Lord’s sight, so the Lord put him to death. Tamar was left a childless widow. Judah then said to his second son, Onan, “’Go in to your brother’s wife and marry her, and raise up an

  • Rest

A Phil Fischer Devotional: REST

Rest! Relax! Refresh yourself and recover your strength! God rested on the seventh day and Jesus had solitary moments of quiet time. God designed us with a need for sleep and quiet. He knows our frame (we are but dust!) and understands our longing to be still in order to recharge. However, there are reasons

  • worship

A Phil Fischer Devotional: We Were Made To Worship

God created man with emotions and designed us with many ways to express them. Our bodies were made to move (we can dance) and we have musical instruments built within us. We were created to worship and praise God! The Book of Psalms is a collection of musical poems and prayers. They were written with

  • Faithfulness

A Phil Fischer Devotional: God’s Faithfulness

Abraham did not want his son Isaac to marry a Canaanite, so he sent his servant to his homeland in search of a bride. Once in Mesopotamia, the servant prayed, “Now let it be that the young woman to whom I say, ‘Please let down your pitcher that I may drink,’ and she says, ‘Drink,

  • Faithfulness

A Phil Fischer Devotional: A Heavenly Focus

Life on earth is full of trials, tests, and tribulations. Of course, there are also many days of tranquility, contentment (if we have the right attitude), and joy. But without an intentionally positive perspective that focuses on God and His promise of a pain-free eternal life (Rev 21:4), we can easily become overwhelmed. Romans 8:28

  • biblical flood

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Seven More Days

A cataclysmic flood destroyed mankind and all living things on earth, except for eight human beings and the pairs of animals God supernaturally directed to the ark. Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives were the only humans to survive the worldwide flood. But why did God destroy the offspring of Adam and

  • spiritual

A Phil Fischer Devotional: The Cares Of This World

Our spirits require food, spiritual food. Reading the Bible, listening to Christian music, conversing with Christian friends about the Lord, attending church, and time in prayer are all excellent ways to remain faithful and stimulate spiritual maturity. However, our flesh can easily get caught up in the cares of the world. These cares will stir

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