• spiritual

A Phil Fischer Devotional: The Cares Of This World

Our spirits require food, spiritual food. Reading the Bible, listening to Christian music, conversing with Christian friends about the Lord, attending church, and time in prayer are all excellent ways to remain faithful and stimulate spiritual maturity. However, our flesh can easily get caught up in the cares of the world. These cares will stir

  • let there be light

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Light Of The World

Pitch black, darkness. A lack of light means that there is visual or spiritual impairment. To walk in darkness is to stumble along or live and act according to ignorance, error, sin, even blindness. The Bible states that God created light and that He is light. “And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there

  • Fellowship

A Phil Fischer Devotional: A Need For Fellowship

Communication is vital to any healthy relationship. When we open our hearts and share our needs, hopes, desires, and fears with others we give intimacy permission to take root. Not only did God create mankind in His own image, but He also designed us with a need for fellowship. We have been wired with a

  • God's Peace

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Our Thought Life

What do you think about as you drift off to sleep? What is the first thing on your mind when you wake up? (Besides coffee!) Do your thoughts cause anxiety or peace? Our thought life is an important matter as thoughts can lead to sin and sin separates us from God. “ But each one is

  • Jesus said thank you

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Jesus Said Thank You

America has set aside a special day to give thanks. It is appropriately called, Thanksgiving. The holiday feast dates back to November 1621, when the newly arrived Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians gathered at Plymouth for an autumn harvest celebration. Traditions during this holiday vary from family to family but there is a unifying commonality of

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