• A Cup Of Sweet Water

A Phil Fischer Devotional: A Cup Of Sweet Water

Jesus Christ Renews us when we take a drink Christ is our sweet water. He satisfies our thirst for love, justice, compassion, and understanding. He hydrates our spirit and maximizes our spiritual growth. Sweet water is not really sweet; it’s fresh water. Simply put: is good to drink and completely satisfying. “Jesus answered and said

  • Single seed

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Seeds

A single seed can do fantastic things A single seed can do fantastic things! Yes, a small and undeveloped grain has the potential to feed many hungry souls, so long as we have the patience to let it grow. Seeds have the tenacity to survive in remarkable locations and soils. Once they develop a root

  • God’s love

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Refuse Self-Pity

Every person is born self-centered and is prone to practice self-pity Every person is born self-centered and is prone to practice self-pity. When we think life has not treated us as we deserve, self-pity is the result. It leads to complaints, murmuring, and bitterness. The biggest clue that self-pity is not of God is the

A Friendly Game of Hide-and-Seek

We all enjoyed a good game of hide-and-seek As children, we all enjoyed a good game of hide-and-seek. We would dash off searching for the perfect spot that would conceal our little bodies until the seeker finally conceded. Our goal was to remain hidden. God plays this well-loved game differently. He hides, but never with

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