Do You Have A Critical Spirit?

Do you have a tendency to criticize others? Have you ever frowned on a different approach some co-worker selected to meet a challenge, even though they were successful? Or, are you guilty of rolling your eyes at a stranger’s disheveled appearance? Criticism is the act of judging unfavorably or faultfinding. There is always more to

Captivity in Christ Jesus

To free ourselves from the snares of the enemy we must become Christ’s captives. In ancient Rome, when a military leader came back victorious, a triumphal procession was given in his honor. A spectacle of chained captives that included kings, princes, and tribal leaders would follow behind the general’s chariot. The apostle Paul used this

Does God Exist?

Everyone knows that there is a God, although atheists would argue this point. The truth is that God placed a “knowing” inside each one of us. “Because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are

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