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So far admin has created 112 blog entries.

Jesus Lives- Holding Grudges

St. Augustine once said, “Holding a grudge is like swallowing poison and hoping the other person will die.” We all have reasons to hold a grudge. Situations and people hurt us. God does not always do what we think He should do, so we get angry with Him. When we hold offenses against those who

Do you know sheep? Be a Sheppard!

Psalm 23 gives us a picture of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. He knows each of us by name. He keeps watch over us and protects us from dangerous predators. Our Shepherd leads his lambs to green pastures where streams of still waters await to quench and refresh thirsty souls. Jesus guides us down every

Is Money The Root Of All Evil?

Is it evil to have money? To answer this question, I will pose still another question. Can good come from having money? If you answered yes, we are in agreement. Wealth and riches can be used to bless others and glorify God. However, our motive and attitude toward money is something we should all take

A Peace Beyond All Understanding

Peace is freedom from all disturbances. Peace is a calm assurance despite the circumstances we face. Tranquility permeates our inner man when we are at peace. Serenity fills the gaps gouged out by adversity. A state of peace forces anxiety to flee and commands worry to retreat. God is our peace. “For He Himself is

The Lost and Prodigals Are Never Beyond Hope

The Lost and Prodigals Are Never Beyond Hope Nothing is impossible for God. So why, when adversity strikes, do we struggle with worry and fear? Our creator, the Creator of the Universe, has promised to be our refuge, our strength, and our help. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

A Godly Perspective

A person’s perspective is an attitude and viewpoint. It can be positive or negative. A positive perspective sees the good in even the most painful and darkest of circumstances. A negative perspective will eventually lead to a hard heart, a root of bitterness, and a stagnant spiritual walk. Perspective is an understanding that events, people,

New Beginnings

How marvelous are the ways of God! What a merciful and gracious King we serve! Although we face challenges and tests every day, we still have a new beginning to look forward to at the end of each day. A new start begins with the sunrise. God is limitless in His love and mercy. He

Look Back And See God’s Blessings!

For 281 years, the Israelite's vacillated in their faithful worship of God. Upon entering the Promised Land, and Joshua’s passing, the Israelites forsook God and served the Baals of the Canaanites and Asherites. The book of Judges tells all about this dark time. A sad cycle of turning from God, doing evil, suffering, then repenting

The birth of Jesus!

When the Virgin Mary gave birth to the Son of Man she named her child Jesus, as instructed by the angel Gabriel. Jesus is Yahushua, which means “Yah is Salvation.” Jesus came to save the lost. He is our salvation since we have forgiveness of sin and a restored relationship with God through His death

What Does God Think When We Complain?

What does the Bible teach us about grumbling and complaining? The Greek meaning of the word complainer means, “one who is discontented with his lot in life.” The first complainer was the very first man, Adam. After he sinned in the Garden of Eden, he complained to God that Eve was the reason for his

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