• no fear

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Why Do We Fear?

Fear is rooted in what we believe. Circumstances, words, and things we see or hear can provoke it. To live a victorious life for Christ, we must harness our fears. Even though the disciples lived with Jesus and saw Him perform many miracles such as, healing the sick, raising the dead, and feeding a multitude

  • Purity Amidst Impurity

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Purity Amidst Impurity

Sexual impurity abounds! It’s everywhere. Promiscuity has become the norm in our society. While waiting in grocery store checkout lines, we see it plastered over all the magazine headlines. When turning on the television, it’s hard to find a show free of sexual innuendos. Today, couples are expected to live together before marriage. If someone

  • Strength When Weak

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Strength When Weak

In the Old Testament, God often told the leaders of Israel to reduce the size of their army. In Judges 7, God ordered Gideon to reduce his army of 32,000 men to just 300 soldiers because He wanted their trust. He didn’t want Gideon and his fighting men claiming a victory and accrediting their battle

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