• Believe in God

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Stressed But Not Stressed Out!

There are times when life is stressful. It is not a question of if but when tension will find us because stressful situations are a part of life. They are unavoidable. 1 Peter 4:12 tells us, “Not to be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange

  • Weary In Spirit

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Weary In Spirit

Are you frustrated with Christian leaders twisting the Word of God and deceiving their sheep with sugarcoated sermons? I am! Do you long for your eternal home or miss loved ones who are already there? Are you asking Jesus to return now? Recently, weariness overtook my heart. I was angry with government officials who supported

  • Dwelling In Christ

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Dwelling In Christ

There are many significant Bible characters that did not have a set dwelling place. The children of Israel wandered the desert for 40 years. King Saul had David running for his life and John the Baptist was a desert dweller, moving from spot to spot. They did not reside in one location for very long.

  • salt of the earth

A Phil Fischer Devotional: Salt Of The Earth

Salt has been used in many cultures as a valuable commodity. During Roman times, salt was so precious it provided a means to pay soldiers. Our English word salary comes from the word salarium, a name given to this mineral when it functioned as a currency. Its value as a rare commodity during the Middle Ages

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