Situations We Can’t Control

The only way to show God he is in control is to force us to trust him The only way God can show us He is in control is to put us in situations we cannot control. We have little or no power over natural disasters, weather, death, the actions of others, aging, famine, and

The treasure of Jesus

Jesus Christ is our treasure and our joy over finding this eternal treasure far surpasses the cost it takes to obtain it. The Christian life requires a different perspective than the politically correct and worldly view found on earth. As aliens (foreigners), we are just passing through. So, like the man who sells everything he

Rejoice Always

Always rejoice! Most of us are acquainted with death and the accompanying pain that comes from losing a dear one. Jesus felt this pain and loss. He loved both Lazarus and his sisters. When given the news that Lazarus was seriously ill, He intentionally delayed His journey to Bethany by two days. He knew that

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