Walking With Fear

“Sometimes fear does not subside and one must choose to do it afraid.” ~Elizabeth Elliot I would like to say that my faith is so strong that I am never afraid, but that would be a lie. Some circumstances in life have caught me off guard and I permitted fear to hinder my faith. Panic

Thankful For Friends

God created us with an innate need to connect with others. Newborns recognize their mother’s voice upon birth, and many believe while still in utero. Like our God, we long for relationships and families are where we first learn to connect. Jesus grew up with half-brothers and half-sisters (Mark 6:3). Although the Bible does not

Total Obedience!

God expects His children to be obedient, completely obedient! Partial obedience is disobedience in the eyes of our heavenly Father. We cannot pick and chose what we want to do when God directs us into action. King Saul learned this lesson and the consequences of His disobedience were very costly. In fact, his partial obedience

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