Jesus Lives – Strong In The Grace Of Christ

A person with physical strength is greatly admired. Muscular athletes participating in various Olympic events are magnificent to observe. Years are spent training and learning how best to accomplish a specific skill or technique. These athletes rely on their own strength to attain victory. Mental strength is also admired. In the face of sudden chaos

Jesus Lives – A Holy Spirit Nudge

A nudge from the Holy Spirit is more than mere intuition. It’s the voice of God speaking to us through the Holy Spirit. It’s an invitation to join Him in His redemptive work. This spiritual nudge usually starts off as a feeling. Then, a clear thought or action formulates. The nudge remains steady and will

Jesus Lives- Holding Grudges

St. Augustine once said, “Holding a grudge is like swallowing poison and hoping the other person will die.” We all have reasons to hold a grudge. Situations and people hurt us. God does not always do what we think He should do, so we get angry with Him. When we hold offenses against those who

Do you know sheep? Be a Sheppard!

Psalm 23 gives us a picture of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. He knows each of us by name. He keeps watch over us and protects us from dangerous predators. Our Shepherd leads his lambs to green pastures where streams of still waters await to quench and refresh thirsty souls. Jesus guides us down every

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