A Godly Perspective

A person’s perspective is an attitude and viewpoint. It can be positive or negative. A positive perspective sees the good in even the most painful and darkest of circumstances. A negative perspective will eventually lead to a hard heart, a root of bitterness, and a stagnant spiritual walk. Perspective is an understanding that events, people,

New Beginnings

How marvelous are the ways of God! What a merciful and gracious King we serve! Although we face challenges and tests every day, we still have a new beginning to look forward to at the end of each day. A new start begins with the sunrise. God is limitless in His love and mercy. He

Look Back And See God’s Blessings!

For 281 years, the Israelite's vacillated in their faithful worship of God. Upon entering the Promised Land, and Joshua’s passing, the Israelites forsook God and served the Baals of the Canaanites and Asherites. The book of Judges tells all about this dark time. A sad cycle of turning from God, doing evil, suffering, then repenting

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