The birth of Jesus!

When the Virgin Mary gave birth to the Son of Man she named her child Jesus, as instructed by the angel Gabriel. Jesus is Yahushua, which means “Yah is Salvation.” Jesus came to save the lost. He is our salvation since we have forgiveness of sin and a restored relationship with God through His death

What Does God Think When We Complain?

What does the Bible teach us about grumbling and complaining? The Greek meaning of the word complainer means, “one who is discontented with his lot in life.” The first complainer was the very first man, Adam. After he sinned in the Garden of Eden, he complained to God that Eve was the reason for his

Life in Proportion

When life is chaotic, painful, or full of uncertainty, it is easy to become overwhelmed. Exhaustion wears a person down, both physically and spiritually. And without time in the Word, depression is certain to knock on our door. It takes both physical and spiritual strength to weather a storm, and we require nourishment to persevere

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