Is Worry Sinful?

The Bible never explicitly says that worry is sinful, however, we can conclude this based on Scripture. Most worry, or anxiety, is a failure to trust God. The fact that God sent His only son to die for our sins, in order to restore fellowship between Creator and His creation, is proof of His powerful

The Belt of Truth

Satan is the father of all lies and a master illusionist. An illusionist is someone who deceives others by giving a false or misleading impression of reality. Therefore, the devil works tirelessly to convince us God does not mean exactly what He says. Thankfully, Satan’s suggestions can never stand up against the light of God’s

Do You Trust God Completely?

God wants our trust. His desire for us is to trust Him completely, not partially. It is all or nothing with God. A lukewarm faith and lukewarm trust are of little value. “So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of My mouth.” Revelation 3:16 (NIV) Every

Sticking Out

The Bible tells us we are aliens and strangers in this world. This is a reminder to all Christians that heaven is our eternal home. The Greek translation for alien is a sojourner, stranger, and foreigner. A foreigner is one who lives in a place without the right of citizenship. Our citizenship is with God

Should Christians Rebuke The Devil?

Some Christians believe they not only have the authority to rebuke Satan, but that they should be rebuking him right and left. There is no biblical basis for such a belief. Unlike God, Satan is not omnipresent. He can only be in one place at one time. So, when believers find themselves under spiritual attack,

Thankful God Rejoices Over Us!

God, our heavenly Father, delights in us! We underestimate the joy God has in His people, and too often think He is annoyed or angry with us. But God cannot rest in His love for us. It is beyond measure. In fact, we give Him so much joy that He breaks into song! He rejoices

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